Tooth Extraction - Klinik Pergigian Dr Syazwan

Tooth Extraction

A tooth extraction is the procedure that is used to extract or remove a teeth. Many factors contribute towards this procedure being performed especially when the tooth is found to be damaged, at risk of damage, or cannot be saved any longer.

Reasons for Tooth Extraction:

  • Damage or severe caries
  • Gum disease (periodontitis) involving loose teeth
  • If the tooth in question is in or near a growth, residue or crack on the jawbone
  • Imbedded/ impacted teeth that often suffer from infection or are at risk of resulting in damage to other nearby
  • Teeth Pulpitis (inflammation of the pulp tissue inside the tooth structure)
  • Part of Orthodontic treatment
  • Cracked/ broken tooth
  • Baby teeth that have not been replaced by permanent teeth

What Should You Do Before/During & After Tooth Extraction?

Before going to the clinic, make sure you:

  • Eat
  • Take the necessary daily medicines for people with chronic diseases (for example diabetes & high blood pressure medicine)
  • If you have a medical card or list of medicines taken, please bring it with you when you see the dentist.


During treatment :

  • Inform the doctor if you have any health problems, are taking any medication or if you have had a difficult tooth extraction before
  • Inform the doctor if you feel unwell


After treatment :

  • Bite the cotton provided for at least 1 hour or until the bleeding stops. If bleeding persists, bite onto a cloth or handkerchief & immediately seek treatment at the nearest dental clinic
  • Do not gargle
  • Take your medications as prescribed

Make sure you do not do any of the following:

  • Gargle within 24 hours after teeth extraction
  • Pick on the extracted socket using tongue or fingers
  • Do not Consuming hot & spicy foods or drinks
  • Do not smoke

Complications that may occur:

Usually, tooth extraction scars will heal within 3 to 7 days, however, complications can occur such as:

  • Prolonged pain
  • Swollen extraction site
  • Prolonged numbness
  • Prolonged bleeding
  • Unhealed extraction site
  • Infection in the area of ​​the extraction
  • Limited opening of the mouth after the extraction

Get examination & treatment by a dentist immediately if there are any complications as above.

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